中 文 版


Construction & Repairs Section
This section deals with requests for construction and repairs from the administrative offices and departments, supervises the arcustects to obtain licenses in accordance with the relevant ordinances of construction, completes ownership registration, obtains the certificates of ownership and hands them over to the board of directors.
Major tasks are listed below:

  1. To draw the annual plan for the construction and repair of school buildings
  2. To supervise the construction and repair of school buildings based on the annual plan
  3. To assist the board of directors and accounting office to handle the transfer of
    land ownership and the registration of buildings
  4. To assist the maintenance of the utilities of the school
  5. To handle matters relevant to the signing of contracts for construction
  6. To carry out assignments from the dean
Chief:Shih- Wei Cho   E-mail:swcho@cc.cust.edu.tw Tel: 2782-1464 #108
Senior Clerk:Bor- Jen Lin   E-mail:borjen@cc.cust.edu.tw  Tel: 2782-1464 #108